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Relax, Receive + Heal by Laura Gutiérrez

Our Mind Fit March program continues. In February, we centred on physical activity and movement, and dedicated time and space to learning and feeling the multi-faceted benefits of exercise. And while that serves and strengthens us all in so many ways, at P.E Nation, we firmly believe a holistic approach to health that covers mind, body and self is the best strategy for sustained wellbeing.

We don't always have to be set to fast, best, first - and too often we learn the hard way that downtime is just as important as 'up' time. So, we've dedicated March to uncovering new ways to support, protect and improve emotional vigor. We're shifting from physical fitness to cerebral sport - focusing on all the many ways we can nourish and challenge and strengthen our minds. To truly take care of our whole selves, we have to be willing to put back into our emotional wellbeing as well as our physical.

This week, we've partnered with Laura Gutiérrez to help us find and facilitate new ways to calm the mind among the daily chaos. Laura is an energy healer and health coach, podcast host and founder of The Love Approach Project, who helps men and women find their unique 'harmony formula' incorporating mind, body, emotions and spirit.

Laura helps clients shift past the elements that are causing imbalance, overwhelm and disconnection in their lives so they can experience a calm, fulfilling and purposeful life. She does this through her Relax, Receive & Heal programs, live events and 1:1 sessions including vibrational healing techniques like sound healing, crystal therapy, reiki, intuitive healing and health coaching. Born and raised in Bogotá, Colombia, Laura now lives in Sydney, Australia, where she has her practice and runs live and online events and programs.

How to calm your mind

I believe everyone has a unique harmony formula. Our human experience has four components: body, spirit, mind and emotions. The mind is the one that creates thoughts and our representation of reality.

If we have a busy mind, our reality will, therefore, be a reflection of that. When our mind is busy, it interferes with our physical, emotional and spiritual experience. And that can create pain, emotional distress and spiritual disconnection.

When the mind is quiet and calm, everything else seems to follow it. All of a sudden, our emotions are stable, our body feels balanced and harmonious, our spirit is elevated and we can have a better experience of life because our thoughts are leading the path.

When we are under pressure, we tend to become more un-resourceful in our thinking and our mind can be noisy and busy. Have you heard of the ‘monkey mind’? The monkey is busy doing many things, scattered, unsettled, unproductive, messy… sounds familiar?

Over the years, I have seen the transformation created by simple techniques that allow you to be more aware, present and mindful and therefore have a more fulfilling human experience. I will share 4 quick tips to help quiet and calm the mind.

Tip #1 - MANTRA [5 min practice] – Wisdom Mantra
In this practice, you will be harnessing the power of sound, of your own voice, and of intention. The mantra Om A Ra Pa Tsa Na Dhih, known as the mantra of wisdom or the Manjushri mantra (from the Buddhist tradition) is a powerful tool to calm the mind, cut through excessive thinking, and embody wisdom in your everyday life.

How to do it: Sitting in a comfortable position, with your hands in prayer mode close to your heart, repeat this mantra aloud 21 times, saying the last syllable three times after each repetition (Om A Ra Pa Tsa Na Dhih, Dhih, Dhih). Focus your attention on the sound of the syllables, and bring an intention of calming and clearing your mind as you chant. On the last repetition, chant the last syllable DHIH as many times as you would like (Om A Ra Pa Tsa Na Dhih, Dhih, Dhih, Dhih, Dhih, Dhih, …). Finish this practice by thanking yourself for having made time to tend to your inner world and take care of your mind.

Tip #2 CRYSTALS [5 min practice]

When the mind is busy, generally there are worries and this happens when something is missing or there is a weak flow of energy in a particular area of our life. Crystals provide an energetic charge to physical elements, helping us energise those areas of our lives by using them intentionally. They also provide assistance in harmonising the mind, and all the other aspects of our human experience: emotions, body and spirit.

There are crystals that help channel energy for specific purposes. I recommend the following ones:

Love crystals: Rose Quartz or Pink Calcite

Health crystal: Clear Quartz

Abundance and Prosperity crystals: Citrine or Aventurine

Relaxation crystals: Lepidolite

Clarity and Focus crystal: Fluorite

Protection crystals: Black Tourmaline or Amethyst

How to use crystals : Choose a crystal and hold it as you meditate or as you reflect upon an area of your life that you would like support with. Breathe deeply, in and out. Notice what arises, what you feel or what information comes to your mind. Do this for 5 minutes or more, and journal if needed. You will be accessing the wisdom within you to help you deal with or resolve a particular situation. Doing this exercise will offer you a new and refreshed perspective, increased clarity and calm.

Crystals are very wise ‘beings’ that help us activate our innate wisdom and encourage us to live a more empowered life through their unique vibrational frequencies.


Why is journaling and writing important? Well, it is a way to empty the mind. What was in your head, is not there anymore. It's just on paper. Journaling helps you bring more clarity and a new perspective to what is actually happening. It helps you untangle your thoughts and move from the ‘monkey mind’ to ‘observing your experience’.

How to journal: Take a piece of paper or a journal and start writing what is in your mind. Let it all out. If you feel or think that you can’t write anything, start with blah, blah, blah, for as long as you need to or until other words start popping out. And once you start, simply allow the pen to be your guide.


Tip #4 MORNING RITUAL [15 min]

By following a morning ritual, you will set up your day for success and quietness and, therefore, everything else in your human experience (body, emotions and spirit) will follow.

I have created a guided ritual that only takes a few minutes and will help you have a clear and calm mind. It is simply called, “Everyday ritual to calm the mind and open the heart”.

You can download the steps and the guided ritual here.

Once you start to practice any of these things or all of them, you will start to notice how your mind becomes calmer and quieter. And as your experience changes, your surroundings will manifest in the same way. Your thoughts give birth to your reality. A calm and quiet mind is the key to attracting to your life the results that you want, and is the doorway to impacting the world around you.

For more information on Laura’s services, visit theloveapproachproject.com, or follow her on Instagram and Facebook @theloveapproachproject. You can also join her now on Clubhouse where she runs rooms in both English and Spanish. Her handle is @theloveapproach.